The Spanish Heartbeat

We wanted to give you a little more on our trip to Spain. Afterall, it is there that we found inspiration for our Tesoros collection.

Vive la Vida

More Than a Lifestyle - A Company Philosophy

While we knew we would be inspired by the imagery of Spain, what we didn't expect was to come away with a new philosophy for our company. We gained a new appreciation for slowing down and taking in the details of all that surrounds us, perfect and imperfect. This has led us to creating beautiful jewelry that is made-to-order, for each customer. Some pieces are heavy on details, whie others appear to be simple. But, all go through multiple passovers at the jeweler's bench until they are just so. 

Santos Onate

My husband and I took a trip to Spain in the summer of 2019. We went to visit family, relax, have some fun and look for some inspiration for a new collection. The inspiration exceeded my expectations. I came home with hundreds (or close to a thousand photos) and a notebook of sketches. But, as I sifted through all the photos and sketches, I realized this was more than a collection... 

My family heritage is from Spain and Mexico. I have always loved the music and culture and imagery of both of these countries. It really speaks to my heart. I love the Spanish way of life -- the focus on family and enjoying life. I also am deeply enamored with old towns with washed out, cracked walls of  gray, ochre and siena. I crave cobblestone streets, ancient doors, iron balconies -- and wash flutter in the wind from those balconies. While on this trip, we spent a lot of time in the Basque region, which is where some of my ancestors hail from. When I returned home, I thought about how to pull my family history and love of the Latin culture into this new vision I was trying to sort through. That's when I thought about my great-grandmother, Santos Onate -- a strong, lovely woman who found herself fleeing on horseback from her home and country. 

Spain 2019


First stop after checking in at hotel:  Mercado de San Ildefonso. A very cool atmosphere at this three floor mercado with 20 vendors.

We started our morning in the best way possible -- with coffee and chocolate churros at San Gines. 

We walked over 7 miles on our first day in Madrid. Retiro Park was one of our stops. 

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Item A

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Item B

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Item C

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.